Ministry of Culture: 19 webcast platforms were investigated for violating laws and regulations.

  Jinghua Times News (Reporter Jia Ting Meng Fanze) Yesterday morning, the reporter learned from the press conference of the Ministry of Culture that 19 webcast platforms, such as Betta and Huya, were included in the list of illegal and illegal Internet cultural activities because they were suspected of containing obscenity and violence. Liu Qiang, deputy director of the Cultural Market Department of the Ministry of Culture, said that a blacklist system will be established for online platforms and anchors that repeatedly violate the rules, and credit punishment will be imposed, and business activities of violators will be prohibited or restricted.

  19 penalty results will be announced in time.

  Liu Qiang, deputy director of the Cultural Market Department of the Ministry of Culture, said that there are two main types of violations in the webcast platform investigated this time. One is that the live broadcast platform for performing arts provides online performances that promote obscenity, pornography and harm social morality. Some "anchors" sexually tease and hint through body and language, and there are violations such as "flashing" and "teasing" to win the audience’s attention and attract the audience to pay for virtual gifts, which is vulgar and indecent and has a bad social impact. Furthermore, the game live broadcast platform provides the game content display with gambling, violence and abetting crime, such as the live broadcast of gangster-themed games "Grand Theft Auto (GTA)5" and "Dragon 0", etc., with bloody pictures and abetting crime, and the live broadcast of illegal game "Zha Jinhua", etc., which promotes gambling behavior and violates social public order and good customs.

  Therefore, in order to standardize the operation order of Internet cultural market such as online performances, the Ministry of Culture issued the 25th batch of investigation list of illegal Internet cultural activities, and 19 online live broadcast platforms such as Betta, Tiger Tooth Live, YY, Panda TV, Battle Flag TV, Dragon Ball Live, Liujianfang and 9158 were included in the investigation list for allegedly providing Internet cultural products that promote obscenity, violence, instigate crimes and endanger social morality.

  Liu Qiang introduced that the webcasting platform listed in the investigation list has clear violation facts and sufficient evidence. The live broadcasting platform involved in the case should actively cooperate with the investigation, and should strictly abide by the Interim Provisions on the Administration of Internet Culture and strictly implement the responsibility of content self-examination. The Ministry of Culture has deployed comprehensive law enforcement agencies in relevant regional cultural markets to investigate and deal with the enterprises involved in the case according to law, and announced the punishment results in a timely manner.

  Violation of the "anchor" will be blacklisted

  Liu Qiang introduced that in the next step, the Ministry of Culture will focus on establishing a long-term management mechanism, and plan to introduce policies to strengthen the management of online performances, and standardize the key links of online performances in terms of management of business entities and post-event supervision.

  In addition, a warning list and blacklist system for illegal webcasting platforms and illegal "anchors" will be established, and the behaviors of webcasting platforms and "anchors" will be restrained through the credit punishment mechanism to strengthen industry self-discipline. For anchors who repeatedly violate the rules, the platform will be required not to accept them for anchor business; For live broadcast platforms that repeatedly violate the rules, it is possible to stop providing their content.

  Liu Qiang said that the current popular mobile APP is not an extra-legal place. It is similar in content and form to the webcast platform and will be included in the management process.

  > > enterprise response

  We will continue to improve the platform supervision mechanism.

  Companies including Betta TV, Tiger Tooth Live, 9158, YY, etc. all responded that they will actively cooperate with the actions of relevant state departments, strengthen the audit management of the platform, and jointly purify the network environment.

  Betta TV said that yesterday morning, Betta and a number of peers participated in the forum of network culture business units organized by the Ministry of Culture, listened to the publicity and management requirements of laws and regulations, and jointly discussed the development norms of the industry. Betta hopes to provide users with quality live broadcast service through its own efforts.

  Huya Live also said that it will always adhere to a positive and healthy operation idea, resist vulgar content, resolutely support and cooperate with the actions of relevant state departments, and call on peers to jointly safeguard the green environment of the industry and promote the healthy development of the industry.

  Tiange Group, which belongs to 9158, responded that this time it was notified by the Ministry of Culture that individual anchors in the platform had performed vulgar performances, and the group had closed the rooms and anchors in time.

  "The results announced by the Ministry of Culture today are a wake-up call for us and the whole industry, which will enable all platforms in the industry to continue to strengthen the supervision of their own platforms and more effectively promote the sound development of the live broadcast industry." Tiange Group said that they will invest more manpower, material resources and financial resources, continue to strengthen the monitoring and management of the platform, and have the confidence to do a better job in platform supervision.

  YY Entertainment responded that it will continue to improve the platform supervision mechanism and strictly investigate all kinds of illegal and vulgar live broadcast content. The penalties include closing the live broadcast, titles, confiscation of income and deposits.

  > > news background

  Frequent pornographic incidents on live broadcast platforms

  It is reported that in the past two years, webcasting has rapidly developed into a new Internet culture format, and live broadcast forms such as performing arts live broadcast and game live broadcast have emerged one after another, attracting the attention of a large number of netizens, and the market scale has grown rapidly. According to statistics, the number of users of the webcast platform has reached 200 million, and there are about three or four thousand live broadcast "rooms" online at the same time during the daily peak hours of large-scale live broadcast platforms, and the number of users can reach two or three million.

  At present, there are about 30 enterprises engaged in webcasting in Beijing, and the industry scale is constantly expanding. Since the second half of 2015, obscene and pornographic incidents represented by "live broadcast creating people" have occurred frequently, violating social morality and even gambling and drug-related problems have occurred frequently, and even some enterprises have used this as a means to create gimmicks for financing and listing, and online pornography is facing new challenges. In this context, the Beijing Network Culture Association launched the activity of negotiating a self-discipline convention, taking regulatory measures to solve the problems existing in the current live broadcast platform and implementing the main responsibility.

  The day before yesterday, the heads of more than 20 major enterprises engaged in online performance (live broadcast) such as Baidu, Sina, Sohu and iQiyi jointly issued the "Beijing Webcast Industry Self-discipline Convention", promising that all anchors must be certified in real names from April 18; The webcast room must be marked with watermark; Content storage time is not less than 15 days for future reference; For anchors who broadcast political, gun-related, drug-related, violent and pornographic content, serious cases will be blacklisted.

  Last night, the reporter observed on several live broadcast platforms, such as fighting fish and battle flags, and found that the convention has not been formally implemented, and many platforms have imposed certain restrictions on the performance and dress of the anchor. For example, "it is forbidden to spread vulgar and pornographic pictures, sounds, words, games and video information, causing vulgar interaction in the venue" and "it is forbidden for women to deliberately expose sensitive parts such as cleavage and buttocks". The flag platform also requires the anchor to maintain the order of the live broadcast room and deal with the illegal audience in time. However, in some live broadcast platforms, there are still naked female anchors, and there are also many viewers who leave messages to tease and ask the anchors to "take off their clothes" and "get up and watch their legs".