Shanghai Nightlife Festival will be opened: 100 nightlife spots will be released, and night consumption will be offered to benefit the people.

Shanghai Municipal Government Information Office held a news briefing on the afternoon of May 31st. At the meeting, the Municipal Commission of Commerce introduced the relevant situation since the launch of the fourth "May 5th Shopping Festival" and the arrangement of key activities in the next stage. The Municipal Economic Information Commission, the Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism, Xuhui District, Putuo District, Yangpu District, Minhang District and Chongming District introduced the arrangement of related fields and regional activities.

I. The situation since the launch of the fourth "May 5 th Shopping Festival"

More than 1,000 consumer promotion activities have been held since the 4th Shanghai "May 5th Shopping Festival" was launched one month ago. According to the monitoring of the Consumer Market Big Data Laboratory (Shanghai), the average daily offline consumption in the first month (April 29-May 28, 2023, the same below) was nearly 8 billion yuan.

The sales of 250 large commercial enterprises monitored by the city increased by 16.4% compared with the same period of last year’s shopping festival, and the passenger flow increased by 31.5%; Among them, the sales of catering and outlets increased by 18.9% and 36.7% respectively compared with the same period of last year’s shopping festival. The sales of "beautiful" and "delicious" commodities grew strongly, with domestic cosmetics brands and time-honored food brands leading the growth. The sales of cosmetics, food, gold and silver jewelry and other commodities increased by 76.9%, 55.1% and 13.9% respectively compared with the same period of last year’s shopping festival. During the May Day holiday, the major automobile distribution enterprises in this city achieved a total sales of 838 million yuan.

Since the launch of the 4th Shanghai "May 5th Shopping Festival", there are four main features:

First, the new customer group detonated the increase in consumption. Generation Z leads the new consumption trend. For example, the Bailian ZX Creative Fun Field on Nanjing Road Pedestrian Street attracts more than 100,000 "second-time fans" to punch in, among which "post-90s" and "post-80s" account for 44% and 25% respectively. Foreign tourist groups have aroused the climax of consumption. For example, the sales of May Day holiday in Yuyuan Business Circle increased by 27% compared with 2019, and the passenger flow on April 30 was the highest in recent years. The sales of four outlets increased by 57.4% month-on-month.

Second, new supply leads to new demand for consumption. During the launch season of Shanghai’s global new products, nearly 300 domestic and foreign brands held the first theme day activities, and more than 150 flagship stores rushed to the Shanghai consumer market. Time-honored brands keep the right and bring forth new ones. 284 time-honored brands in the city launched more than 100 new products of national fashion, 15 themed promotional activities, and a batch of 104 newly recognized Shanghai time-honored brands appeared. More than 200 kinds of high-quality agricultural and pastoral products and handicrafts with Tibetan characteristics appeared on Nanjing Road Pedestrian Street, and more than 200 kinds of products with Lu ‘an characteristics "rushed to Shanghai". Good things gather in the consumer market. More than 20 pieces of handmade bronze wares from Turkey, dry sausages from France and amber wine from Georgia entered the city’s consumer market for the first time. Sharing and docking of consumption resources in the belt and road initiative countries. The Russian Fisheries Trade Fair was successfully held. The first "Silk Road E-commerce Yunpin Sea Purchase" event was successfully held.

Third, new scenes stimulate new hot spots in consumption. Shanghai Coffee Culture Week held the largest "West Coast International Coffee Life Festival" along the Pujiang River. At present, Shanghai has 8,530 cafes, ranking first in the world. The 2023 Shanghai Tourism Industry Expo was successfully held, and more than 3,000 exhibitors brought more than 150,000 new products. Shanghai Global Food Festival released the list of the first batch of food landmark restaurants and food landmark business districts. The number of Shanghai Global Food Restaurants exceeded 13,000, ranking first in the country. Daxue Road opened a limited pedestrian street for the first time. Pujiang Country Park held the Minhang Special Session of Shanghai Automobile Quality Consumption Carnival to create a new scene of automobile consumption. First Medicine Nanjing East Road Store officially introduced the chronic disease management solution "MMC Health Convenience Store", bringing the public a new experience of health service at your fingertips. Changning brand-new "Kaitian Gathering" Time-sharing Pedestrian Street Version 2.0.

Fourth, the government and enterprises have launched intensive measures to benefit the people. All districts and departments have conscientiously implemented the "15 Articles" to promote consumption and launched a series of innovative measures. The "trade-in" policy for new energy vehicles has continued to exert its strength. Since May, a total of 6,077 citizens have applied for subsidies. Personalized service is a pilot in the beauty market, and the first personalized skin care service for cosmetics in China is launched. The Municipal Consumer Protection Committee issued the group standard "Compliance Guidelines for the Protection of Consumer Rights and Interests of Precious Metals, Jewelry and Jade Jewelry".

II. Arrangements for key activities in the next stage

On the one hand, hold the 2023 Shanghai Nightlife Festival. With the theme of "Shanghai at night, it’s never too late to meet each other" and around "neighborhood, waterfront and community", more than 200 special activities, such as sports night and book reading night, will be launched online and offline in June. Will present four characteristics:

The first is to explore new scenes and publish 100 good places for nightlife. Launch a number of waterfront nightlife places such as Putuo Changfeng "88 Tribe" and Suhewan Vientiane World on both sides of Pujiang River; Combined with the characteristic commercial district, a number of popular nightlife places such as limited pedestrian street on University Road and Wufan Night Market in Meiluocheng are launched. In combination with the "quarter-hour convenient life circle", a number of good places for nightlife in the neighborhood, such as Zhonggeng Roaming City and Sijing Night Market, were launched to enrich the citizens’ choice of night consumption. In addition, the list of "24-hour Shanghai" series and "Shanghai WOW! Shanghai trend nightlife guide ",etc.

The second is to expand new fields and hold a night market with the theme of "opening the night". On June 3rd and 4th, a night market with the theme of "Opening the Night" was held in Fengjing, BFC Bund, with the participation of more than 40 enterprises. For example, the whole family facilitated the first launch of the street version of Midnight Food Store. Shiseido’s brand-new young brand engraved the street trend for the first time to create a skin care experience at night; Ctrip Group released the recommendation of "Lighting One River and One River" night tour attractions for the first time, and launched a photo punching point for accompanying rabbit art installations; Shanghai Drama Art Center launched a night-time funny line show; Baixin Bookstore launched live activities around books, poems, vinyl and art for the first time; Tik Tok Life Service creates a "My Sleepless Night" fun punching device; A number of community organizations will also launch fun run, Frisbee, Lu Chong and other special night sports experiences.

The third is to link the new platform and launch a night-time consumption benefit discount. Didi will configure 50,000 "taxi+bicycle" travel packages every day, and carry out surprise taxis and green low-carbon night riding activities. Meituan take-out will issue 30 million yuan "supermarket department store coupons" and food coupons in Shanghai, and link high-quality restaurants to bring group purchase packages on the six-fold line. If you are hungry, you will launch a super topic of "Hungry Night Market" and distribute food and beverage coupons with a total value of nearly 20 million yuan. Barley will issue night performance coupons for the first time in June, covering 389 theater projects and 68 livehouse projects of Barley Platform. Shanghai Guijiu will issue 300 million yuan coupons, launch a new consumption experience together with 100 catering enterprises, and create a new landmark of consumption experience at No.500 Hongqiao Road. For the first time, Gaode Map launched the "66 Nightlife Map" and distributed tens of millions of taxi red envelopes.

The fourth is to lead the new trend and create the "Night Shanghai" IP publicity project. Excavate the characters’ stories and dreams behind "Night Shanghai" and strengthen the IP cultural connotation of "Night Shanghai". Jointly launched the "Roaming Shanghai Small Store" live broadcast plan with WeChat video number, showing the ingenious stories and consumption characteristics of 66 Shanghai-style small stores. Together with Ergeng Media, the documentary "Nightlife Dreamer" was created, and six nightlife dreamers and special projects were introduced. UCCA Ullens Center for Contemporary Art will also create a new theme exhibition "Night Dimension: Night of Adventure".

On the other hand, we will continue to launch a new batch of featured theme activities to continuously stimulate the vitality of online and offline consumption.

In 2023, "Shanghai Global New Product Launch Season" will hold the Global New Product Launch Season and Fashion Customization Week, and a three-day fashion event will be held in Changning Shangshengxin Institute from June 2 nd to 4 th. In late June, we will hold the global new product launch season, Shanghai Tide Life Festival, combine the trend platform, build a trend voice position, and hold a trend carnival and other activities. Hold the Shanghai Consumer Market Innovation Conference. Release the list of popular first stores and creative launching activities of international and local brands in the "Shanghai Global New Product Launch Season" in 2023, and the "Shanghai International Consumer Center City Construction Consumer Market Innovation Case" in 2022, and launch the project of financial innovation to help build an international consumer center city.

Hold the Shanghai Manufacturing Fair. The event will release the first show of AI smart new products, launch the "D2W Design Shanghai Airlines Plan" and log in to London to promote the "Made in Shanghai" fashion products to the sea. Hold the 2023 Shanghai Import Shopping Festival and the Cultural Colorful Month Series of National Commodities. Launched 27 special activities with the theme of imported goods and cultural customs from more than 20 countries. The 4th Shanghai Snack Festival was held, and four thematic activities were launched, namely, special snack tasting, wine tasting, Shanghai gift exhibition and high-quality goods exhibition.

A number of special activities will be carried out in each district. For example, Pudong New Area has built a time-limited pedestrian street on Fucheng Road around the "night economy" and promoted a number of key night activities. Jing ‘an District will create "Jing ‘an Terrace Season" for Sino-French exchange activities and related activities of international film festivals. Xuhui District launched the activity of "Strolling Hengfu and Swing YEAH Road Together". Putuo District will build a waterfront nightlife experience zone in Changshouwan area, Tianan Thousand Trees, Chuangxiang Tower and other "waterfront nightlife good places" in Shanghai. Songjiang District focuses on "Sijing Night Market" and Happy Valley to launch a number of new scenes of night consumption. Fengxian District will build a night economic demonstration zone of Mermaid Leisure Street. Chongming District held the 2023 Rural Nightlife Festival.